Albert Lyman Coe was born in Talmage, Ohio in 1832 [according to Upton]. His parents were Rev. David L. Coe and Polly Hayes Brainard (her first husband Henry Brainard died in 1826). Rev. Coe was clergy and scholar, active in the early days of education in Ohio's Western Reserve and the formation of Western Reserve College; he "was one of the deepest scholars of the Western Reserve, being a master of Latin, Greek and Hebrew, as well as of pure English, and that, besides preaching regularly as a Presbyterian clergyman." He died at Richfield, Ohio, July 20, 1836" (Upton, 1021-2). After his father's death, Albert's mother married Orestes K. Hawley of Austinburg, Ohio. There in Austinburg, Albert's mother "established at her house one of the most enterprising 'underground railway stations' in the region, often feeding, clothing and harboring many of the colored race while escaping to Canada. The two sons, Henry H. and Albert L., while yet in their early teens, frequently were called from their beds at night to assist their mother in her ministrations to her kitchen-full of negroes; their duty was to harness the family horses to lumber wagons and transport the fugitives to the harbor of Ashtabula before daylight". For such service Polly Hayes Brainard Coe Hawley, Albert's mother, was honored with one of the two hundred plates presented to anti-slavery leaders of the United States by the English Anti-Slavery Society (Upton, 1023). In 1853, Coe moved west to Chicago, and entered business in the coal trade and was engaged in the coal business until the beginning of the Civil War and his enlistment in the Fifty-First Illinois in September 1861. Originally, Coe received a commission as second lieutenant of Company K. His first duty came in February 1862 when he was charged with arrangements for care of the sick left at Camp Douglas. He joined the regiment in the field during the New Madrid-Island No. 10 campaign. Coe was promoted regimental quartermaster on June 9, 1862, when Henry Howland was promoted to brigade quartermaster, but already on September 25, 1862 Coe was detached to serve as a brigade quartermaster under General James D. Morgan who commanded a division of first the Army of the Mississippi, then briefly of the Army of the Ohio, and then the Army of the Cumberland. That service under Morgan continued for two and a half years despite various promotions of Coe in the Fifty-First Illinois. In March, 1864, the Fifty-First Illinois returned to Illinois and Chicago for its thirty-date reenlistment furlough. On March 17 Coe married Charlotte E. Woodman. Ten days later he returned to the front. On June 14, 1864, Coe was promoted to captain of Company K, but he was not immediately mustered at that rank. On February 28, 1865, still waiting official muster as captain of Company K, Coe was assigned to duty as first lieutenant of Company H, which was bereft of officers, but this turned out to be only a paper filling of the gap, for Coe was on detached duty as the acting assistant quarter master of the Second Division of the Fourteenth Corps. Thus, while the Fifty-First left Georgia in pursuit of Hood and fought Hood's army at Franklin and Nashville, Coe was with the main body of Sherman's army in Georgia. Coe was therefore one of the few men of the Fifty-First Illinois who traversed Georgia on the "March to the Sea" and then marched up through the Carolinas. At the end of December 1864, a squabble broke out among generals over Coe's quartermasterly services. Coe was ordered back to the Fifty-First, and the regiment was in need of his services. The order originated with Sherman and was glossed by his aide-de-camp, "The 51st Ill does not belong to this part of the Army & by existing orders Genl Morgan should not have kept Lt. Coe with him." Morgan was allowed a rebuttal, however. Morgan said, among other things, that Coe was "faithful, active, capable, honest & [in] every way qualified to fill his position." Morgan went on, "His services are at present absolutely required with the Div. I am sadly in want of officers and have no one that can fill his place." Besides, Morgan said, Coe came to Morgan by the "consent and recommendation" of Coe's commanding officer (who would have been, in Autumn, 1862, Luther Bradley). Morgan prevailed, and Coe stayed in the East. He was there to participate in the Grand Review at Washington, D. C. in late May, 1865. Finally on July 8, 1865, Coe was ordered to join the Fifty-First. In late August, however, Coe was still in Washington, D. C. settling accounts with the Quarter Master General's Office. By then the regiment was in Texas preparing itself to muster out, and Coe never rejoined the regiment. After the war Coe returned to Chicago. He was successful in business there and active in civic life. In 1867, Coe entered into a partnership with Aaron B. Mead and they formed a real estate company, Mead & Coe, which was still successfully in operation at the time of Coe's death (Waterman, p. 1220). Coe died on July 25, 1901 in Denver, where he had gone seeking to improve his failing health. The paragraphs below detail some of Coe's business and community associations and activities. They are taken from Memorials of Deceased Companions of the Commandery of the State of Illinois Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States:
Sources: Albert Coe, Compiled Service Record, Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, Record Group 94, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C. A[rba] N. Waterman, ed., Historical Review of Chicago and Cook County and Selected Biography, Three Volumes. Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1908, p. 1220. Memorials of Deceased Companions of the Commandery of the State of Illinois Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, From July 1, 1901, to December 31, 1911, Volume 2. Chicago, 1912, 10-13. Harriet Taylor Upton, History of the Western Reserve, Two Volumes, Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1910, Vol. 2, 1021-22. 1860 United States Census: Albert L. Cox, Chicago, Cook County, Wood & Coal, born Ohio, |