Morris Advertiser, June 23, 1866 (page 3)
“Edward Tabler, son of N.H. Tabler, residing north of the Auxsable timber, was killed by the kick of a mule, on Thursday morning. He left the house for the purpose of going to the pasture to take up his mules, and was not seen again until his sister saw him fall out of the stable door. She at once gave the alarm, and the family went to his assistance. He breathed but once or twice after being taken up, and then expired. Examination showed that he had been kicked in the left breast by the mule. The deceased was about twenty-five years old, —a steady, industrious young man, held in regard by all who knew him. He served honorably in the late war, for over three years, as a member of the 51st regiment Ill. Vol. His funeral took place from the residence of his father, yesterday, at 10 o’clock.”
Corrections in the Obituary of EDWARD LEROY TABLER
Morris Advertiser, July 7, 1866 (page 3)
“There being some inaccuracies in our statement of young Tabler, the friends of the deceased have furnished us with the following facts, in correction.”
“Edward Tabler, son of N.H. Tabler, was kicked by one of his mules and killed almost instantly Thursday morning June 21st, at five o’clock. The deceased was living with his brother and sister, on the south side of the Auxsable timber. He had with some difficulty, driven his mules into the stable and partly shut the door, and while approaching them, for the purpose of haltering them, he received the kick which soon proved fatal. His brother was in the house, and his sister standing in the door; she saw the mule kick, and saw him strike it with a small club which he had in his hand, at the same time saying — “will you kick me” and then disappeared behind his brother’s team. His brother in the house, hearing the noise, stepped to the door just in time to see him come to the stable door and sink down; his brother and sister ran to his aid, but found him unable to speak. He lived about two minutes, and then expired without a struggle, or any indication of pain. He was carried to the house and examined, but no scar or bruise could be found on his person, until about an hour after, when it became apparent that he was struck on the left breast, just above the heart. His funeral took place from his brother’s residence, the next day, at 10 o’clock.”
![]() Tabler's Grave at Aux Sable Cemetery Grundy County, Illinois |
![]() Another View of Tabler's Grave "51st" Visible at Left |
![]() Tabler Family Stone at Aux Sable Cemetery Mary Ann was Tabler's mother |
Grave photos used courtesy of Grundy County, Illinois rootsweb website.